Well here is the project I told you I was working on with a few friends. This is a unique project which comes with not only with a comic book (with panel layouts and concept artwork by Top Cow Own Sheldon Mitchell, Finishes and Concept by your truly) but also with a soundtrack (by Jonas Beaubrun and J’siah Studios). And get this is also all for FREE.
Here is the synopsis…
…Dante decided to invest in himself and discovers a whole new and dangerous world vastly different from the one he was ready to leave. After deciding to spend his last $200 on a tattoo, Dante soon learns that the symbol Dante decided to invest in himself and discovers a whole new and dangerous world vastly different from the one he was ready to leave. After deciding to spend his last $200 on a tattoo, Dante soon learns that the symbol is worth far more than his investment.l is worth far more than his investment.
Click the link above the project for free.
PS if you like it, hate it, have any advice please don’t hesitate to hit me up.